Friday, May 9, 2014

Ride-a-Long to Get-a-Long

A Special Day On The Streets

I am so glad a fellow Toastmaster introduced our club to the opportunity of becoming a graduate of the Citizen's Police Academy in Savannah, GA.  It has been an amazing 13 wk, 3 hr a wk journey.  I have learned so much and have a much greater respect for the Men and Women in Blue. The learning experience only cost $10, gas to and from training locations, and the investment of time required to attend the Thursday evening sessions, 6:30pm - 9:30pm.

I will share more with you in detail, AFTER GRADUATION DAY on May 15th!

Today, I wanted to give you a glimpse of the highly respected, eye-awakening, thought provoking Ride-a-Long!  We had a time frame of 10 days to schedule our Ride-a-Long, which ideally would be with officers from the precinct in which we live. I chose the the early morning shift from 6:30a-2:30p on the Monday after Easter. 

Without divulging any confidential information, let me say it was a VERY INTERESTING morning.  My partner for the day was Officer Potter who is a young man with a BIG HEART! He is a hard-working  man who is working several jobs to help provide for his family.  He "handled" the various "situations" through investigation, much conversation and exchange of information, with compassion and professionalism.  He treated me and everyone he came in contact with as if we were CEO's or dignitaries. I recognize, he had me as a "close observer," but for some reason I sensed, he wasn't putting on a show for me. He appeared to genuinely respect everyone for who they were and did not prejudge them. In many instances, he even shared "the story behind the situation," which gave light to how he really tries to get each individual's perspective before making decisions that would be best for them and the community.

I applaud Officer Potter's fairness and the way he "connected" with people.  The badge and fancy cop car did not make him feel "superior," but at the end of the day, he just wanted to "do his job well, ideally help someone and his community to have a better day, then return to his personal life with his family." Although each officer that I meet, "policed" a little differently, it is good to know they worked as a "team," backing up one another on every call.   If the initial call didn't require a back up, as the "situation" unraveled, either officer could make that call, being confident that "the Calvary" is on the way! 

I'm not naive to believe that "all officers" serve the community in the same way as Officer Potter.  There are some "really good cops" and some "really bad ones too." As for me, this experience has increased my awareness and desire to pray for and support officers like Officer Potter, who are committed to  "doing the right thing, the right way." Keepers of the peace, I applaud your efforts, for blessed are the peacemakers.

Pray this way for kings and all who are in authority so that we can live
peaceful and quiet lives marked by godliness and dignity.
I Timothy 2:2


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