Saturday, April 19, 2014

He Got Up! He Has Risen!

Three of my FAVORITE songs will be ministered during our Resurrection Sunday Celebration!
If you don't already have plans, join Overcoming By Faith at either 9a or 11a 
at the Savannah Civic Center, SAV, GA.
It's so cool being married to the guitar player in the band.  I get a sneak preview of the songs!
I hope you plan to celebrate this special day in a very special way!
The lyrics and music says it ALL today!!!

Friday, April 18, 2014

What's So Good About Good Friday?

For those of you who believe as I do, this is a very special time of year, we celebrate Love coming down in the flesh.  I am honored to say, because He lives, I can face tomorrow.  If it was not for the precious promises planted in my heart, I would not have the sense of Hope and Purpose that I have today.

I recall formatting a template for a tract many years ago, What's So Good About Good Friday?  Well, the Good News is that He came and was touched with our infirmities.  He died that we might live.  He knows what we go through and tempted in all points, but without sin.  He walked upon this earth, in order to be that sacrificial lamb for us.  He is our example and source of Hope, Peace, Healing and Strength.

We are so thankful throughout the year, but especially in this Easter season, we recognize what a sacrifice He made, so that we can have life and that life more abundantly.  Regardless of this ever-changing world, God has given us His son, He sacrificed His life for Us and His Love Remains The Same!

As we choose to watch the "Passion of the Christ" on an annual basis and pause to consider what sacrifice He made, I am inspired to reevaluate the life that I live in honor of Him. I hope this post will inspire you to do the same.  Selah

Saturday, April 12, 2014

Attitude of Gratitude: The Jar That Inspires

A couple years ago, I was introduced to the idea of having a Attitude of Gratitude Jar, as it was shared in response to a table topics question at a Toastmasters meeting.  Since that time, it has been a source of inspiration in our household. 

What is an Attitude of Gratitude Jar?
It is a plastic/glass jar that can be purchased from any local store, with slips of paper placed on the inside. The slips of paper document any moment that you want to acknowledge your appreciation for something good that has happened in your life.  For example, my most recent note voiced my appreciation for getting a higher tax return that we did last year.  That's something to celebrate in our household!

How can it benefit the family?
It can offset the negativity that seems to predominate the news and most conversations in the world today. It will force us to focus on that which is GOOD vs that which is BAD.  It can help children and adults to make a conscious effort to look at their life from a more POSITIVE perspective.  This helps develop an attitude of gratitude, for the little things in life, that matter most.  There is always something to be grateful for in our lives each and every day, so why not focus on that?  This little jar, placed in a prominent place, can promote a consistent effort of each family member to think on that which is good and gain a greater appreciation for life! 

How can it be used?
The choice is yours! It can be a wonderful family-friendly, inspirational activity on Thanksgiving or at the close of the year, in which each family member can take turns reading the notes placed in the jar.  How wonderful would it be to have each family member have a certain color paper and have somewhat of a "competition."  Who can write the most notes each year?  How cool would that be? It would allow that competitive nature to be applied in a very positive way?

The other option is to utilize the jar as a means of encouragement throughout the year.  Even if you live alone, you can pull from it at any time during the year and remind yourself of those GOOD things that have transpired.  I promise you, it will stir up the joy within you and it can be a source of inspiration throughout the year!  It's doesn't cost much, requires very little time, but the benefits includes more reflection, greater peace, more joy and laughter, along with attitude adjustments on a regular basis.

Kiss anxiety and depression good-bye, say hello to more joy, peace, 
and a home filled with a common ground of appreciation, 
with an Attitude of Gratitude Jar!
[Philippians 4:6-9]

Saturday, April 5, 2014

Holding Hands - Simple yet Beautiful!

How often do we see people holding hands? What a sweet expression of affection. It's an innocent, yet powerful display of  a true love connection. It's not offensive.  It's family friendly. It's often overlooked and under rated.

I say, let's bring it back! As I watched these two love birds walk in front of me on a bright sunny morning, their walking and holding hands showed me something.  It exemplified to me that love between two people can withstand the test of time.  True love, is gentle.  True love is patient.  True love can be displayed in the simplest of ways.

This type of love is discreet, yet deep. Very much in contrast to the way we see "so called love" portrayed on TV or in the movies. I would like to see more movies that allow me to use my imagination and not just show everything, every body part, up close and personal. "Too much information" is not healthy for anyone.  

This couple held hands while having light conversation and many moments of just "being there" for one another. I was inspired to do more of the same with my husband.  I hope this post will inspire you to keep your love simple yet beautiful too.

Thursday, April 3, 2014

Don't Sweat The Small Stuff

We believe for the best, but how do we deal with the unexpected? When LIFE happens? That unexpected flat tire? That tree branch breaking, falling and causing damage to your home? The unexpected abnormal lab result? Your job description being expanded and you have less time to do more? How do we handle THOSE PEOPLE who just don't do things the way you think they ought to be done? While driving, they cut in front of you, without signaling? They are just so different, they just seem to "get under your skin?"

I am inspired by how Pastor Joel Osteen reminds us to avoid letting "situations" disturb us in a way that we lose our joy and peace. It's encouraging to know that even though me may be "wired" a certain way, we can change our perspective and respond better to every situation.

I recognize I can be "more intense" about certain things and at times "get a little bent out of shape." I am so thankful to have an extremely patient husband who gently helps me to "keep things in perspective." A loving mother who taught me the Prayer of Serenity. An amazing mentor and inner circle of friends who help me to stay focused on the Big Picture. Training and teaching atmospheres such as my church, Toastmasters and even my place of employment.

In addition to this message, I am reading an insightful and inspirational book by Richard Carslon Ph.D, Don't Sweat The Small Stuff. This easy-to-ready book is reminding me of simple ways to keep the little things from taking over my life.

May you be encouraged this day to enjoy your life to the fullest and not sweat the small stuff!