Sunday, March 23, 2014

The Power of Involvement

The Power of Involvement

Shout Out To My #1 Favorite Dad

Although it's not yet Father's Day, everyday is Father's Day to a Daddy's Girl like me. This commercial inspired me to give a shout out to my #1 Favorite Dad.  Don't misunderstand, I recognize he is my only Dad, but I affectionately choose to call him this because I am his #1 Favorite (only) Daughter. 

As far back as I can remember, my Dad made his presence known in my life. He has not only been a provider, but an ever present guider. Whether helping to start our first family business with our neighborhood paper route, through attending many swim meets and basketball games, driving us around to various community/school activities, to moving us back and forth from college to college, apartment to apartment, flat to flat, home to home, in state and out of state, looking through the blue book for newer, good quality used cars, strategically bidding for the "best fit" for his #1 Favorite Daughter, he has been right there ever ready to lend a helping hand. These are just a few of the moments I so clearly remember that have made a positive impact in my life.

My Dad, would say, these were just the "things to do," as a father. However, every Dad, doesn't have an inner manual to live by. Many have grown up in a single parent, absentee or even abusive households. What's out there for them?  Where can they learn how to become more involved with their children?  What's out there for them?

Fortunately, there are many churches and community agencies that help mentor young men, setting the foundation for them to be better prepared to be a father.  The above video is connected with an insightful website that provides, facilitates and disseminates current research, proven and innovative strategies that will encourage and strengthen fathers, families and providers of services.

May this post inspire fathers to "make the time," in their daily activities to be engaged and involved, especially with their daughters.  A Daddy's Girl needs that involvement to help them to see unconditional love from the opposite sex.  This involvement other than just discipline or correction, lays the foundation for little girls to become healthier young ladies, women, wives and future mothers.

Thanks Again To My Dad, Walter Hamilton

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