Friday, March 28, 2014

Sometimes Less Is More

Sometimes Less Is More

Since turning 50 yrs old, I have been taking more time to reflect and consider how I can MAXIMIZE my MOMENTS.  I'm feeling as if, I don't have time to WASTE ... Not anymore!

As I transitioned into 2014, I reflected on a 10-day mission trip to Guatemala that changed my perspective in 1993. It included a medical clinic, road evangelism and evangelistic campaign.  The people were joyful, kind, so hospitable and extremely hungry for God's word.  Their primary source of income was through weaving and harvesting corn (which was plentiful). The colors were vibrant, as were their smiles.

How is it that we have billionaires in the U.S. (the land of plenty), who are bitter, depressed and unhappy and those who may have the least, can find such joy and peace?  Here's a poem that sums it up for me:

It's Not What You Have

It's not what you have,
that determines who you are.
It's not what you have,
that makes you a star.

It's not what you have,
which others may see.
It's not what you have,
that determines your destiny.

The fame, the fortune, may come and go,
but this one thing, you must know.
There's something more precious than silver and gold.
It's not what you have, but it's WHO you know.

We Are Not Born To Make a Living, but to Fulfill our Purpose

My mentor, Min. Mary Edwards shared this message with me, that reminded me of the great teachings I heard through Myles Monroe on Purpose.  Although ministered 10 yrs ago, the message remains relevant.

Our theme for the year at Overcoming By Faith in Savannah, GA is
Intentional Living is Life On Purpose!

We weren't born to Make A Living, but we were born to Fulfill our Purpose!
Understanding Your Divine Assignment -72 min video

“The greatest tragedy in life is not death, but a life without a purpose.” 
― Myles Munroe

Sunday, March 23, 2014

The Power of Involvement

The Power of Involvement

Shout Out To My #1 Favorite Dad

Although it's not yet Father's Day, everyday is Father's Day to a Daddy's Girl like me. This commercial inspired me to give a shout out to my #1 Favorite Dad.  Don't misunderstand, I recognize he is my only Dad, but I affectionately choose to call him this because I am his #1 Favorite (only) Daughter. 

As far back as I can remember, my Dad made his presence known in my life. He has not only been a provider, but an ever present guider. Whether helping to start our first family business with our neighborhood paper route, through attending many swim meets and basketball games, driving us around to various community/school activities, to moving us back and forth from college to college, apartment to apartment, flat to flat, home to home, in state and out of state, looking through the blue book for newer, good quality used cars, strategically bidding for the "best fit" for his #1 Favorite Daughter, he has been right there ever ready to lend a helping hand. These are just a few of the moments I so clearly remember that have made a positive impact in my life.

My Dad, would say, these were just the "things to do," as a father. However, every Dad, doesn't have an inner manual to live by. Many have grown up in a single parent, absentee or even abusive households. What's out there for them?  Where can they learn how to become more involved with their children?  What's out there for them?

Fortunately, there are many churches and community agencies that help mentor young men, setting the foundation for them to be better prepared to be a father.  The above video is connected with an insightful website that provides, facilitates and disseminates current research, proven and innovative strategies that will encourage and strengthen fathers, families and providers of services.

May this post inspire fathers to "make the time," in their daily activities to be engaged and involved, especially with their daughters.  A Daddy's Girl needs that involvement to help them to see unconditional love from the opposite sex.  This involvement other than just discipline or correction, lays the foundation for little girls to become healthier young ladies, women, wives and future mothers.

Thanks Again To My Dad, Walter Hamilton

Thursday, March 20, 2014

The International Day of Happiness

The International Day of Happiness

Happiness - a state of pleasure, contentment, satisfaction, cheerfulness

I just discovered this, today is the International Day of Happiness - March 20th.  How cool is this?  At least one day the focus is more on Good news vs Bad news.  What if the world were bombarded with more videos, TV shows, games, activities, etc that build a sense of hope and well being?  This is what my blog hopes to accomplish, more focus on Things That Inspire!

Back to my discovery!  I was once told that the difference between happiness and joy is this:  Happiness is based on circumstances. Joy is a sense of peace irregardless of our circumstances. Today is a day to reflect and consider our past, present and future.  What is your definition of happiness?  Are you in constant pursuit of it?  Will you know it when you find it?  Just some questions I am considering today.  I challenge you to do the same.

While you are considering these questions, take some time to check out this website that I came across that will surely make you smile!  It is about two guys who are formulating a feature-length documentary on the happiest people in America.  In a culture that focuses on and sensationalizes so much negativity, it's easy to lose sight of all the good that surrounds us.  This is their attempt to shift the focus. 

Pursuing Happiness - Adam Shell and Nicholas Kraft

Once you're done, allow yourself to close your day with this upbeat short music video by Bobby McFerrin. Kick off your shoes, dance till you stir yourself up, laugh out loud, remembering: Happiness Is Your Choice! 

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Leaving A Legacy of Value - Anyone Can Do This!

Leaving A Legacy of Value
Anyone Can Do This!

Is there anyone out there who doesn't want to "leave a mark that cannot be erased?"  Well, why not start now, preparing for the inevitable.  Regardless of your beliefs, there is not one person, who will live forever, on this earth!  Why not make your mark, leaving documentation of your love through letter writing.

Sure, there are high tech methods to preserve your legacy, but nothing quite takes the place of a good heartfelt letter, given to someone that you care about deeply. It's not limited to time or space, doesn't require internet access or any type of device.  It can be written on specialty paper of your choosing, legal pad, spiral notebook paper or even a napkin.  It's so much more personal and as you can see in the video, it will truly touch the heart of the receiver.

I came across this short, practical, heartfelt video on TED Talks and was inspired to plan some letter writing time in my monthly calendar.  My desire is that you too would be inspired to do the same and surprise someone you love.

Saturday, March 8, 2014

International Women's Day: Women As Influencers

International Women's Day: Women As Influencers

It all started with Eve in the Garden.  The power of influence is one of the greatest characteristics of women. As with Eve, we have a choice of how to use this power.  Eve made the wrong choice, but we don't have to make that same mistake.

I honor my Mom, Willetta Hamilton, who is one of the greatest women in my life. She has a quiet strength, faith that moves mountains, strong sense of family and patience like no other.  She set the tone of our home.  Haven't you heard, the saying, "If Momma ain't happy, nobody's happy?"  Well, my Mom set an atmosphere of peace.  Rarely did we see Mom upset as she seemed to tirelessly give her best to be that exceptional home manager, combined with an amazing nurse anesthetist, working extra hours to help provide for the family.  

Although Mom is retired now, she is still influencing us with her life of love and service to others.

Who are the women that have influenced your life?  
Today may be a good day, to say THANK YOU!  

I'm inspired today to acknowledge the two most influential women in my life.  
My Mom, Willetta Hamilton (right) and Min. Mary Edwards (left)

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Leaving a L.E.G.A.C.Y. - Leaving Every Generation A Chronicle Of You

Leaving a L.E.G.A.C.Y.

Leaving Every Generation A Chronicle Of You

Once I turned 50, there seemed to be an automatic "shift" in my thinking.  Was it due to the unexpected pains in various parts of my body that I periodically awakened to?  Maybe it was due to the "Indian Summers" I began to have in the middle of the Fall?  Alas, it may have been to people much younger than me beginning to ask my age and then responding "You look good for your age!"  I used to ask that same question to others and give them that same response, now it's MY TURN!

During this shift I began to ask more questions about the purpose and significance of MY life.  I've heard it said, "People are not as afraid of dying, as they are of not having anyone remember that they were ever born." Deep down inside of ALL of us, we want to "make our mark" in this life.

My Dad has made his mark with his management of Hamilton Manor, providing for his family and serving the Detroit, MI community for decades.  My great uncle  has left his mark in being the first African American car dealership owner in Detroit,MI.  My grandmother purchased property in Drakes Branch, VA which is maintained primarily by my Uncle David, who wants to keep the property available for building, and so that no family member will ever have to be homeless.  My mentor and friend Minister Mary Edwards has a desire to help others chronicle their stories, so that the positive impact of their lives can be shared from generation to generation.  It is my desire that YOU will be inspired to help ME, help HER to help THEM.

Angel Mykel Edwards (granddaughter)
Author and Speaker

Minister Edwards is an author, book coach, editor, speaker, consultant and visionary servant leader.  Out of her pain, she has written several books, along with pioneering and serving in many non-profit organizations; The Called And Ready Writers, His Lovely Wife Ministries, Widows With Wisdom and the renowned community building, Joy of Jesus Ministry, with her late husband, Rev. Eddie K. Edwards.

Take a moment today and consider, what legacy YOU would like to leave?  Who is it that YOU know who wants to leave a chronicle of their lives whether in a book or memoir?  What person, group or organization would like to hear more about how to turn some of their greatest struggles into ministries that will impact generations to come? Who is that aspiring writer who needs a mentor/coach to help them share their story?

Contact Minister Mary Edwards or Angel Mykel Edwards
by simply clicking on the links below:
Minister Mary Edwards
Angel Mykel Edwards (granddaughter)

Saturday, March 1, 2014

Marriage Motivator - Laugh Your Way To A Healthier Marriage

Marriage Motivator

Laugh Your Way To A Healthier Marriage

While in the Post Office today, I meet an unassuming, yet striking couple, who were casually dressed,  looking  "so together, on everything."  They just seemed to waltz into the front door and spin into the line behind me.  I just couldn't help but to comment on what a beautiful couple they appeared to be.  

As we waited, I asked a few questions.  I found out they had been married 45 yrs and the secret to their success?  Well they told me, I was the first person to ask them that question.  I thought to myself, with the divorce rate being so high, I may need to ask more happily married couples their secrets and share this with the world.

Well, she said it's really no Big Secret, as most say, good communication is key.  She then looked at her husband, who paused for a few moments, then shared "It's finding what works for you (as a couple) and then continuing to work it that way." He then asked about my marriage secrets for being joyfully married over 16 yrs.  I responded "Having a good friendship, mixed with laughter, helps us year after year."

I thought about these simple, yet profound responses.  No two people or marriages "work" the same way. What works for one married couple, may cause confusion and be totally bizarre for another couple.  

Find what works and then work it!  I like that secret, what about you?