Saturday, June 21, 2014

The Big D - Family and Friends Make The Difference!

 Detroit still has some very special things to offer...

Family and Friends
    make the Difference!

We had a wonderful time with family and friends, during our visit at the Big D.  It's amazing how much of our neighborhood has changed.  So many abandoned homes, blight and neglect, we could only identify a handful of families still living in their homes on our street. However, there are many natives of Detroit that have decided to ride it out. There are those who have invested much into keeping their neighborhood as beacons of light.  Including my Dad, who is the proud owner and manager of the Hamilton Manor.  It is a 3-story, 20-unit apartment building on the corner of Fullerton and 14th St.

I applaud him and am in agreement for a turnaround, not only in the downtown area, but throughout the city. Many businesses have come and gone, but there are a few that are doing well in various parts of the city. There's always a remnant in the bush!

What makes Detroit so special to us is the wonderful family and friends that are not only surviving, but thriving. What makes true friendship so rich?  The richness of true friendship is embedded deep in our hearts.  It's that kind of friendship that you can spend years apart, living miles away from each other, but with just a little conversation, the friendship is rekindled and the sharing from the heart continues.  It's as if you are writing a story, lay the pad down for just a few moments, but you can pick it up and continue the story at any time.

There are not many friends and family that can fit in this category, but the ones that do fit, make any time together so very special!. 

I hope this inspires you to periodically take the time to reconnect with those special family and friends that your consider your "true friends," in which your relationship withstands time and distance. 

Monday, June 2, 2014

58 yr Anniversary and Going Strong!

My #1 Favorite Parents

Walter and Willetta Hamilton

Back in the day, the marriage vows customarily included ... For better or for worse, richer or poorer, in sickness and in health, til death do us part.  Well, that was back in the day!  Now there is so much flexibility, prenuptials abound, divorce is rampant, annulments are common, shacking and common law marriages are more common place and marriage to many is not as sacred as it used to be back in the day.

Well, I am proud to salute one of my favorite couples in their tenacity to work together to help raise a family committed to God, to each other, with determination to be the very best that they can be.  My #1 Favorite Parents - Walter and Willetta Hamilton.

Today they celebrate 58 yrs of marriage.  Although neither would say it has been a total honeymoon experience, however, just like fine wine, their marriage has become sweeter and they have bonded even closer over time.  Their commitment to each other and raising their family together has been one of the most important bonds holding them together. 

Our family is similar to the Huxtables (Cosby Show), which we loved to watch together, laugh and admire how they resolved issues all in one segment.  Of course, in real time, the journey to resolving issues may not be as pretty, but we managed to work through our challenges, still walking in love, learning and continuing to grow stronger individually and as a family. It's the core values of friendship and being willing to forgive, that kept their love alive and it is what keeps my husband and I going from year to year too.

It's been 17 yrs for my Hubby and I, but we are pressing towards 58 and beyond! We're committed to God, each other and family. Thanks, #1 Favorite Parents for your example!  Happy Anniversary, you inspire me.